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Email Design Tips and Best Practices

This is part 2 of a 3 part series on Email Design .

While designing an email and communicating exactly what your business needs to communicate with that design can feel complex and highly subjective, it doesn’t need to be. In fact, communicating the correct message with your email design comes down to following a simple set of principles, tips, and best practices. Here’s your guide.

Email Design Best Practices

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Immediately, the Mailchimp subscriber knows which company sent that email and that they can trust it.

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  • Sharp Images — Make sure that any images you use within your email are sharp and not pixelated or blurry. Even slightly blurry images will feel unprofessional and lazy to your subscribers.

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Conversely, here’s an email with easy-to-read design and a clear eye-path.

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Email Design Tips

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