May is full of opportunities to engage with your email subscribers in a positive (and profitable) manner. We recommend running a Mother’s Day promotion, a tax day sale, and adding some depth to your brand image on Memorial Day. Details below.
1. Mother’s Day Promotion
Almost everyone — rightfully so — buys a gift for their mom on Mother’s Day (May 9th). If you’re an ecommerce brand with products for women, then the angle is obvious: run a Mother’s Day sale the week before Mother’s Day, encouraging your subscribers to purchase something for their moms. If your subscribers are the moms, then encourage them to forward the email to someone who’s gift shopping for them.
If you don’t have an ecommerce brand with products geared toward moms, then you might just use Mother’s Day as an opportunity to connect with your customers and to remind them to say “THANKS!” to their moms.

Goal Of The Email — The goal of this email is to connect with your customers in a meaningful way (in being grateful for the moms who raised us) and, if possible, to run a Mother’s Day sale.
Segment — This can be sent to your entire list.
Subject Line Ideas
- Thanks, Mom!
- Your mom will LOVE this
- 20% off EVERYTHING
Copy Example
It’s that time of year where we give our Moms a hug, a foot rub, and say “THANKS!!”
Thanks for raising us. Thanks for making all of this possible. Thanks for being there for us when life was hard.
And as our own little thank you to moms, we’re giving 20% off everything in our store for the next week… that way, you can show a little extra love on Mother’s Day.
2. Tax Day Sale
For some people, tax day (May 17th) is the day when they owe the government a ton of money. But for many other people, it’s an exciting time when they get a tax refund of a few thousand dollars or more. If you run a well-timed sale, then they might spend that money with you!

Goal Of The Email — The goal of this email is to capture people’s attention when they might be getting a tax refund. That way, they might spend their refund with your business!
Segment — This can go to your entire list.
Subject Line Ideas
- Get your tax reFUNd?
- Time for taxes!
- Tax day stinks. This sale rocks.
Copy Example
Tax day is the day when the government realizes you were overpaying them and they give you a chunk of money to compensate.
But still — now you got some dolla’ bills.
Looking for somewhere to spill that sweet sweet moola?
Look no further than our tax day sale — with great deals all over the place!
3. Memorial Day Recognition
Memorial Day (May 31st) is a great day to show your support for veterans in the U.S. You can do that simply with a well-worded email that thanks those who’ve gone to war, or you can do it with a sale.

Goal Of The Email — The goal of this email is to build rapport with your audience and to encourage them to purchase or sign up.
Segment — This can be sent to your entire list.
Subject Line Ideas
- Thank you, veterans
- Freedom isn’t free
- 50% off for veterans!
Copy Example
War isn’t pretty. But without those who’ve said goodbye to their families, went off to war, and even sacrificed their lives for our country… there wouldn’t BE an America.
Not as we know it today.
And as a thank you, we’re giving 50% off to all veterans. Just visit our store, get whatever you want — 50% off.
Because it’s the least we can do.
Final Thoughts
There you go! Hopefully that gives you some ideas for how to engage with your subscribers and sell your products or services in May.
A few other ideas you might consider are celebrating Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), Star Wars Day (May 4th), or Harry Potter Day (May 2nd).
We’ll be back next month with more ideas!
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